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The Fight Against Routine
The fight against routine, the scarce subject of time in our life.
Drugs: The Great Villain of a Stolen Childhood
According to data from the Map of Violence, in the State of São Paulo, the most populous in Brazil, approximately 38 children, boys and girls, are abandoned by their parents every day. The data also reveal that the main cause, almost 50% of the time, is the consumption of drugs by the mother and the father. And this, without doubt, ends up reflecting in areas such as education and violence in general. That is, it is a vicious circle, where the individual ends up entering the world of crime because he has also been marginalized by his parents. This fact also makes us understand that a structured family is the basis of any citizen. These data, although they are from...
Angeleone Mission
According to research by the United Nations, about one billion people worldwide are suffering from hunger. The number represents just over 14% of the world's population. The study also reveals that the major countries affected by malnutrition are concentrated mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The numbers show other alarming data. Every 3.5 seconds a human being dies because of hunger. The most affected are children under 5 years old who, due to chronic malnutrition, even if they do not die, are at risk of impairment of cognitive ability, affect growth and still carry the risk of death from infections. But what, after all, is considered hunger? According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a human...
Jessie Angeleone with the holey shoes
Angeleone - Don't Walk Alone, Walk with Angeleone.
Angeleone's goal is to benefit others by providing high quality items for sale, and use part of those proceeds to help others through food and education. Be a part of something extraordinary, and leave a legacy! Don't walk alone, walk with angeleone!